Sample One Day Lesson
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Audience: 9th Grade
Group Size:
Time: 90
Digital project, Elmo Camera, Document handouts
Resources: PowerPoint
Setting: Forward
facing rows
SWBAT Determine the central
ideas or information of a primary or secondary source; provide an accurate
summary of how key events or ideas develop over the course of the text.
SWBAT Corroborate
historical evidence to answer the Central Historical Question: Was Mansa Musa
the richest person ever?
Concept to
be Learned
What you
(teacher) do or show
learners (students) do
5 min.
Visual Do Now
Clipboard cruise to monitor student progress and
take attendance.
Analyze the sourcing information of the visual
Remember to keep pace with timing.
5 min.
Introduce Topic/Link to Prior Knowledge
Ask students to share some of the richest people
they have heard of.
Respond by raising a silent hand
Monitor responses and classroom norms
Primer Document:
Huffington Post Blog on Richest Man Ever
Cognitive Model sourcing the document. Monitor
students as they popcorn read the document and answer the guided questions. “Show
Call” student responses
Observe the cognitive model. Popcorn read the
document. Think-Pair-Share. Check and Change
Listening, observing,
Redirecting as needed.
Keep track of time to switch partners and keep
lesson moving.
10 min.
Historical Context and Central Historical Question
Present the historical context of Mansa Musa’s Reign
and the Mali Empire. Pose the Central Historical Question and the Historical
Thinking Skills being used (Corroboration)
Taking notes.
Make sure everyone is on task.
Concise points.
No question until the end.
Guided Practice: Document B
Catalan Atlas
Display Catalan Atlas. Solicit responses as to what the
atlas depicts. Prompt students to review sourcing information of document and
critically read the inscription for Mansa Musa. Clipboard cruise as students
respond to guided questions. Show Call student responses
Respond to teacher responses. Critically read the
inscription. Think-Pair-Share guided questions for document
Checking for understanding strategies
Redirecting as needed. Keeping notes on learners’ progress and
where additional support/
differentiation is needed.
20 min
Individual Practice:
Document C
Al-Umari’s Account
Monitor student progress. Circulate around the room.
Select student responses to show call and lead discussion.
Critically read Document C. Respond to guided
Check and Change
Keeping notes on learners’ progress and where
additional support/
differentiation is needed.
15 min
Closing Discussion/Exit Ticket
Remind students of the Unit Essential Question.
Monitor students
Reflect on corroboration process and how the sources
reflect the development of a historical record.
Redirecting as needed.
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